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New York StateUnified Court System



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Accessorial (Accomplice) Liability PDF
Accomplice as witness (see Witness, Accomplice)  
Admission (see Confession)  
Admonitions to Jury (see Jury Admonitions)  
Adverse Inference: Missing, Lost, Destroyed Evidence PDF
Adverse Inference: Missing Rosario PDF
Adverse Inference: Missing Witness PDF
Agency Defense PDF
Alibi Defense PDF
Burden of Proof, with an affirmative defense; Reasonable Doubt PDF
Burden of Proof, without an affirmative defense; Reasonable Doubt PDF
Causation-Death PDF
Causation-Injury PDF
Chain of Custody PDF
Character Evidence PDF
Circumstantial Evidence PDF
Closed-circuit Television PDF
Confession PDF
Consciousness of Guilt PDF
Corroboration of Sex Offense
Corroboration of Confession PDF
Corroboration of Unsworn Witness  PDF
Credibility PDF
Culpable Mental States (see Intent, Knowingly)  
Deadlocked Jury (see Jury Deadlocked)
Defendant Absent from Trial PDF
Defendant Does Not Testify PDF
Defendant In Custody PDF
Defendant Is Disruptive PDF

Defenses(see Agency, Alibi, Duress, Entrapment, Insanity, Intoxication, Justification, Renunciation)

Deliberation Procedures PDF
Duress Defense PDF
Dying Declaration PDF
Entrapment Defense PDF
Evidence, Circumstantial (see Circumstantial Evidence)  
Evidence, Defined PDF
Evidence from Inference PDF
Expert, Crime Victim Syndrome PDF
Expert, Drug Traffic PDF
Expert, In General PDF
Extreme Emotional Disturbance Defense PDF
Foreperson's Role (see Jury, Foreperson's Role Explained)
Geographical Jurisdiction, Common Carrier PDF
Geographical Jurisdiction, Conduct Outside County PDF
Geographical Jurisdiction, Conduct Within County PDF
Geographical Jurisdiction, Private Vehicle PDF
Grand Jury Selection & Impanelment Instructions  
Hearsay-Not for its truth PDF
Hypnosis (see Witness, Underwent Hypnosis)
Identification (One Witness) PDF
Identification (Witness Plus) PDF
Identification by Pictorial Representation PDF
Identification by Non-eyewitness of Video/Photo PDF
Implicit Bias PDF
Inconsistent Statements PDF
Indictment Is Not Evidence PDF
Inference Explained (see Evidence from Inference)  
Insanity Defense PDF
Intent PDF
Interested Witness PDF
Interpreter for Defendant, Witness, Juror PDF
Intoxication Defense PDF
Justification, Emergency Measure PDF
Justification of Person by Deadly Physical Force PDF
Justification of Person by Physical Force PDF
Justification to Prevent: Arson PDF
Justification to Prevent: Burglary PDF
Justification to Prevent: Criminal Trespass PDF
Justification to Prevent: Damage to Premises PDF
Justification, Victim of Certain Felonies PDF
Juror, Alternate - Discharge or Retention during deliberations PDF
Juror Substitution PDF
Juror Expertise PDF
Jury Admonitions - In General PDF
Jury Admonitions - Combined Jury and Bench Trial PDF
Jury Admonitions - Multiple Juries PDF
Jury, Counts Not Submitted to PDF
Jury Deadlocked PDF
Jury Discharged PDF
Jury, Exhibits, Readback, Question During Deliberations PDF
Jury, Foreperson's Role Explained PDF

Jury Instructions - Model - Voir Dire, Preliminary, Final

Jury Not to Consider Sentence PDF
Jury Note-Taking PDF
Jury Questions of Witness PDF
Jury Role compared to Court Role PDF
Jury Separation During Deliberations PDF
Knowingly PDF
Lawfulness of Stop, Arrest, Search & Seizure PDF

Lesser Included Offense


Molineu Limiting Instruction PDF
Motive, when not an element PDF
Multiple Defendants PDF
Multiple Separate Transactions of Same Offense PDF
Note-Taking (see Jury Note-Taking)
Partial Verdict PDF
Photographs, Upsetting PDF
Possession, Physical and Constructive PDF
Possession, Recent, Exclusive PDF
Possession, Temporary and Lawful Defense PDF
Possession, Voluntary PDF
Possession, Voluntary Surrender Defense PDF
Presumption of Innocence (see Burdern of Proof)  
Prompt Outcry PDF
Pro-se Defendant PDF
Reasonable Doubt (see Burden of Proof)  
Renunciation (Affirmative Defense) PDF
Statement (see Confession)  
Summation Rules PDF
Territorial Jurisdiction of NY PDF

Venue (see Geographical Jurisdiction)

Verdict Sheet Explained PDF
Verdict Sheet, Models
Voluntary Act PDF
Witness, Accomplice, as a Matter of Fact PDF
Witness, Accomplice, as a Matter of Law PDF
Witness, Pre-trial Preparation PDF
Witness, Refusal to Answer, Effect on Witness Credibility PDF
Witness, Refusal to Answer, Requires Testimony Stricken PDF
Witness, Testifying by Closed-circuit Television PDF
Witness, Underwent Hypnosis PDF
Witness, Unsworn (see Corroboration of a Witness)  
Written Instructions to Jury PDF