These free and easy-to-use computer programs ask you questions. The program then uses your answers to prepare a form for your case or to make an information sheet to help you at court.
Available DIY Form Programs
Tenant Affidavit to Vacate a Default Judgment This program will ask you questions and make papers that help you tell a Judge why you missed your court date or didn’t answer a petition in a New York City nonpayment or holdover case.
Affidávit de un Inquilino para Anular un Fallo en Rebeldía (Tenant Affidavit to Vacate a Default Judgment in Spanish)
Este programa fácil y gratuito le hará preguntas y generará documentos qué le ayudarán a indicarle al juez por qué usted faltó durante su fecha de comparecencia o por qué no presentó una contestación a una demanda en un caso de desalojo o de incumplimiento de pago en la Ciudad de Nueva York.
Afidávit para Restaurar un Caso al Calendario del Tribunal (Tenant Affidavit to Restore Case to Calendar in Spanish) Este programa fácil y gratuito le hará preguntas y hará los documentos qué necesita si quiere regresar al tribunal para pedirle al juez qué haga algo en su caso en el tribunal de vivienda.
Roommate Holdover Program This program asks you questions and makes a Notice of Termination or a Notice of Petition and Petition to start a court case to make your roommate leave the home that you share.
Landlord Nonpayment Eviction Petition & Written Rent Demand Program This program asks you questions and makes a New York City “nonpayment petition” or "rent demand" to start a case against a tenant. The petition is ready to print, serve and file in the landlord-tenant clerk’s office.
Don't see the program you need?
Check back with us again. We are working on more programs for you! Find all available DIY Form Programs.
About DIY Forms
Who Can Use These Programs? You can use DIY Forms if:
you're a court user and you don't have a lawyer;
you're a legal services provider;
you're a pro bono lawyer. Pro bono lawyers filing a DIY Form must submit thispro bono affirmation.
you're from a low-bono (reduced fee) program. You must submit a low-bono affirmation with the filing.
Commercial use is prohibited and no one may charge for using these programs. When you begin the program, you will be asked to accept these terms of use.
Computer Requirements In order to use DIY Form programs, make sure you have the following: