Find a Lawyer
The NYS Court System cannot recommend specific lawyers but we can help you find the right lawyer for your legal problem.
Free Lawyer Help
To find information on how to get a lawyer for free, visit LawHelp. Once you are at the LawHelp Website, complete the following steps:
- type in your zip code or the county you live in
- choose your legal problem and then choose a related sub-category underneath
- click on “go”
You will then be provided with a list of legal services organizations that may be able to help if you qualify. Many of the legal service providers listed are only for low-income families, but you should still take a look to see what services you may be eligible for.
Another option is to try to find help at the courthouse. Many courts have volunteer lawyer programs that are open to everyone. These volunteer lawyer programs allow you to get free legal advice from a lawyer at the courthouse. It is important to know that these lawyers do not go to court for you, they simply provide legal advice when you meet. Check to see if the Court Help Center has volunteer lawyers or use the court locater button to contact the court and ask.
Paid Lawyer Help
The New York State Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service can help you find a lawyer in your area of the state. Lawyers referred through the New York State Bar Association will charge you $35.00 or less for a 30-minute meeting. If your legal problem concerns personal injury, social security, medical malpractice, veteran's and military law, unemployment, or workers' compensation, the 30-minute meeting with the lawyer is free.
The New York City Bar Association Legal Referral Service can help you find a lawyer in New York City and the first half hour meeting with the lawyer is free.
During your visit with the lawyer, you and the lawyer will discuss your legal problem and the lawyer will give you advice. You do not have to hire the lawyer. The lawyer does not have to take your case. If the lawyer agrees to take your case, the lawyer will charge you at his or her regular rates.
There are a number of programs that will provide a veteran with a lawyer for free or for a reduced fee. Visit the New York State Bar Association for more information.
New York City Tenants
The Universal Access to Legal Services Law allows some residential tenants living in New York City to get a free lawyer to represent them in Housing Court. New York City is the first city in the country to provide lawyers for tenants in housing cases. By 2022, all tenants should be able to get some free legal assistance. Visit the NYC Housing Court to see if you are eligible.