Supreme Court of the State of New York
Hon. Dianne T. Renwick, Presiding Justice
Susanna Molina Rojas, Clerk of the Court

Attorney Registration: Failure to Register May Result in Suspension

Judiciary Law § 468-a requires that every attorney admitted to practice in the State of New York register biennially and either pay a registration fee to the Chief Administrator of the Courts or certify that they are retired from the practice of law. Pursuant to Section 468-a, attorneys who are in default of this biennial obligation are subject to Appellate Division disciplinary action.

Approximately 1,430 attorneys are at risk of being suspended for failing to register with the Office of Court Administration. The Notice of Petition seeking suspension for attorneys in default was published in the New York Law Journal. Attorneys who do not register and pay all applicable outstanding fees within 30 days of the notice will be suspended by order of the Appellate Division. Attorneys have until February 16th to register and pay all applicable fees or submit proof of prior registration and payment of such fees to the Office of Attorney Registration.

Please see the Notice of Petition, Order Granting Substitute Service, and the January 13, 2025 Default List.

Attorneys can check their registration status at: Attorney Online Services.