Supreme Court of the State of New York
Hon. Dianne T. Renwick, Presiding Justice
Susanna Molina Rojas, Clerk of the Court

Continuing Legal Education (CLE)

Please note the following and read carefully

  •  All programs are transitional, unless otherwise stated;
  •  All programs beginning before 6:00 pm are offered at no cost, unless otherwise stated;
  •  At any program where a fee ($20.00) for non-18b panel attorneys is in effect, City, State, Federal employees, and non-profit and/or legal services are admitted free of charge.
  •  Payment (cash or check only) is accepted at the door.
  •  To receive CLE credit, you must arrive on time and stay for the entire program.
Bronx Hall of Justice - 265 East 161st Street

- None at this time

100 Centre Street

- None at this time

111 Centre Street - 11th Floor Jury Room

- None at this time

Financial hardship requests must be made in writing prior to the date of the program and must explain your current financial circumstances along with an Affirmation as to current income. No reasonable request shall be denied.

Additionally, the Court has adopted the CLE Board’s Financial Aid Policy Guidelines which states, “Fee waivers for unemployed attorneys and fee reductions on a sliding scale for attorneys with annual incomes of $50,000 or less.”

For further information, please contact Kimberly G. Bravo at or (212) 340-0558.