Workplace Violence Prevention Policy

The NYS Unified Court System's Workplace Violence Prevention Policy is designed to minimize the danger of violence in the workplace.  The term “workplace violence” refers to any physical assault, threatening behavior (including bullying), or verbal abuse that occurs in the work setting.  Workplace violence presents a serious occupational safety hazard to judges, nonjudicial personnel, and the public.

The NYS Unified Court System (UCS) prohibits workplace violence; moreover, UCS will not tolerate violence, threats of violence, or intimidating conduct in the workplace.  Threats, threatening behavior or acts of violence against judges, employees, visitors, guests, or other individuals by anyone on UCS premises will be thoroughly investigated and appropriately addressed.

All UCS employees are responsible for:
• fostering an environment of mutual respect for each other and the public;
• complying with all UCS policies, procedures and program requirements on this topic; and
• maintaining a safe and secure work environment.

The goal of the Workplace Violence Prevention Policy is to promote the safety and well-being of all people in our workplace.  All incidents of violence or threatening behavior will be responded to immediately upon notification.  If appropriate, UCS will provide counseling services or referrals for employees. 

Workplace Violence Prevention Policy

Labor Law Article

To report incidents of workplace violence, complete the Workplace Violence Incident Report and e-mail the completed form to the Work-Safe Office at [email protected] .

Workplace Violence Incident Report