The Commission, in partnership with the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) and the Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University, sponsored the Long Island Regional Leadership Summit on School-Justice Partnerships: Keeping Kids in School and Out of Court at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY on March 7, 2014. The Summit provided an opportunity for local stakeholders to come together and focus on the school-justice connection in order to promote promising and emerging practices and policies of our education and justice systems that can help children succeed in school and in turn reduce the number of children entering the juvenile and adult court systems as well as deal more effectively with the students who do get involved in the justice system.
The Summit Program provides the agenda and short introductions for the speakers as well as acknowledges the Statewide Summit Planning Team.
To inform the Long Island Regional Leadership Summit, the following publications were provided:
- Breaking Schools’ Rules: A Statewide Study of How School Discipline Relates to Students’ Success and Juvenile Justice Involvement, Council of State Governments Justice Center, 2011.
- A Collection of Reports to Inform the National Leadership Summit on School-Justice Partnerships: Keeping Kids In School and Out of Court, New York State Permanent Judicial Commission on Justice for Children, 2012.
- Dear Colleague Letter on the Nondiscriminatory Administration of School Discipline, U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, and U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2014.
- Discussion Points to Forge a New York State School-Justice Action Plan: New York State Leadership Summit on School-Justice Partnerships, New York State Permanent Judicial Commission on Justice for Children, 2013.
- Guiding Principles: A Resource Guide for Improving School Climate and Discipline, U.S. Department of Education, 2014.
- A Model Code on Education and Dignity: Presenting a Human Rights Framework, Dignity in Schools, 2012.
- New York City School-Justice Partnership Task Force Report and Recommendations: Keeping Kids In School and Out of Court, New York State Permanent Judicial Commission on Justice for Children, 2012.
Presentations and Additional Resources
The presentations and additional resources for each of the plenaries are available and organized by the agenda.
The Long Island Regional Leadership Summit on School-Justice Partnerships was supported by The Atlantic Philanthropies, New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, and Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University.