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    Indigent Defense Summit
Resource Materials

A. Indigent Defense Generally
B. Structuring an Indigent Defense System
C. Ensuring Justice Through Quality Counsel
D. Funding a Criminal Defense System for the Poor

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A. Indigent Defense Generally

American Bar Association, Ten Principles of A Public Defense Delivery System (February 2002)

Adele Bernhard, Take Courage: What the Courts can do to Improve the Delivery of Criminal Defense Services, 63 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 293 (2002)

NLADA's Blue Ribbon Committee on Indigent Defense Services, Report (1996)

Janet Reno Remarks, National Symposium on Indigent Defense 2000 (June 29, 2000)

U.S. Department of Justice, Improving State and Local Criminal Justice Systems: A Report on How Public Defenders, Prosecutors, and Other Criminal Justice System Practitioners are Collaborating Across the Country, Indigent Defense Series (October 1998)

U.S. Department of Justice, Indigent Defense and Technology: A Progress Report, Indigent Defense Series (November 1999)

Jo-Ann Wallace & Scott Wallace, Planning for the Future of Public Defense: New Leadership, New Partnerships, New Strategies, The Spangenberg Report, Volume VI, Issue 1 (August 2000)
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B. Structuring an Indigent Defense System

A. 5394, Reg. Sess. (N.Y. 2003-2004)

Cait Clarke & Christopher Stone, Bolder Management for Public Defense: Leadership in Three Dimensions, Papers from the Executive Session on Public Defense, Bulletin #2 (November 2001)

Tony Fabelo, What Policymakers Need to Know to Improve Public Defense Systems, Papers from the Executive Session on Public Defense, Bulletin #2 (December 2001)

New York County Law § 722 et seq.

New York State Defenders Association, Determining Eligibility for Appointed Counsel in New York State: A Report from the Public Defense Backup Center (1994)

U.S. Department of Justice, Contracting for Indigent Defense Services, Indigent Defense Series #3 (April 2000)

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C. Ensuring Justice Through Quality Counsel

Cait Clarke, Community Defenders in the 21st Century: Building on a Tradition of Problem-Solving for Clients, Families and Needy Communities, United States Attorneys' Bulletin 49 (January 2001)

Cait Clarke, Problem-Solving Defenders in the Community: Expanding the Conceptual and Institutional Boundaries of Providing Counsel to the Poor, 14 Geo. J. of Legal Ethics 401 (Winter 2001)

Brennan Center for Justice, Community Justice Institute, Taking Public Defense to the Streets (2002)

Roger Conner, Community Oriented Lawyering: An Emerging Approach to Legal Practice, National Institute of Justice Journal (January 2000)

Jonathan Gradess, Public Defense at the Crossroads: Listening to the Voice of Clients, Drum Major Institute (September 2003)

Indigent Defense Organization Oversight Committee, General Requirements for All Organized Providers of Defense Services to Indigent Defendants (July 1, 1996, as amended June 1997)

Mark H. Moore, Alternative Strategies for Public Defenders (April 2001)

Mark H. Moore, Michael P. Judge, Carlos J. Martinez & Leonard Noisette, The Best Defense is No Offense: Preventing Crime through Effective Public Defense (April 2002)

McGregor Smythe, Bridging the Gap: A Practical Guide to Civil-Defender Collaboration, Clearinghouse Rev.

Robin Steinberg & David Feige, Cultural Revolution: Transforming the Public Defender’s Office, Papers from the Executive Session on Public Defense, Bulletin #3 (August 2002)

U.S. Department of Justice, Keeping Defender Workloads Manageable, Indigent Defense Series #4 (January 2001)

Bruce J. Winick, Redefining the Role of the Criminal Defense Lawyer at Plea Bargaining and Sentencing a Therapeutic Jurisprudence/Preventive Law Model, 5 Psychol. Pub. Pol’y & L. 1034 (1999)

Jon Wool, K. Babe Howell & Lisa Yedid, Good Practices for Federal Panel Attorney Programs: A Preliminary Study of Plans and Practices, Vera Institute of Justice (June 2003)

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D. Funding a Criminal Defense System for the Poor

New York County Lawyers’ Association, v. State of New York, 763 N.Y.2d (N.Y. Sup. Court 2003)

New York County Lawyers’ Association, Memorandum of Law for Motion of Preliminary Injunction of 18-B Rates, New York County Lawyers’ Association v. State of New York, No. 102987/00 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. May 3, 2002)

New York State Defenders Association, Resolving the Assigned Counsel Fee Crisis: An Opportunity to Provide County Fiscal Relief and Quality Public Defense Services (March 2001)

New York State Finance Law § 98-b, (Indigent Services Fund)

State of Mississippi v. Quitman Co., 807 So. 2d 401 (Miss. 2001)

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