一宗房東與房客案件的結果是判決, 撤銷或是終止控告。
判決有可能是根據答辯人的未有出庭或作出答辯, 審訊後, 訴訟各方的和解聲明書或是動議而作出的。
最後的判決決定了訴訟中所提出的事項, 並構成了訴訟各方的權利和義務。 成功的一方被賞以案件中的成本和支付款項。
如果原告人不能證明有權獲得判決勝訴, 訴訟便可能會被無條件撤銷, 而且不可再行控告, 或是遭有條件撤銷而是可以再行提出控告。 案件也可以由原告人在答辯人許可下於答辯前終止, 或是由法官頒令終止。
答辯人的答辯可以包含了反控告, 而法庭會就該反控告作出對答辯人有利的判決, 或者該反控告可被撤銷或是無條件或有條件地終止, 甚或被分割。
如果法官賞給原告人一項佔有權判決, 隨後便會發出驅逐令。 欲知更多, 請開啟驅逐令。
欠租案件中的最後判決通常一併給予一項金錢判決和佔有權判決。 如果按時付了金錢判決, 便等於同時滿足了金錢判決和佔有權判決。 假如沒有按時繳付金錢判決, 答辯人可以因佔有權判決而被逐離寓所, 而答辯人仍然需要負責繳付金錢判決的款
項。 在 一些案件中, 法官可能會賞給一項非佔有權的金錢判決, 代表著答辯人需負上繳付金錢判決的責任, 但不會因沒有繳付而被逐離寓所。
After a respondent is served he or she may either answer or not answer. If the respondent fails to answer within 10 days of the service of the notice of petition and petition, the petitioner may, after the respondent’s time to answer has expired, ask the court to enter a judgment. This judgment may be for money if the petition and notice of petition were served by in-hand delivery, otherwise, it will be for possession only.
In most cases, the judgment and the warrant are requested at the same time. A petitioner will contact a marshal, and give the marshal a letter addressed to the court requesting that a judgment be entered. In addition, the petitioner must provide the marshal with a current non-military affidavit. For more information, see Non-Military Affidavit below. The marshal will then submit the papers to the court together with a requisition for the issuance of the warrant. For a list of New York City marshals, click on NYC Department of Investigation.
When the clerk receives these papers, the clerk will review the papers for legal and procedural sufficiency. If the papers are correct, the clerk will send them to a judge for him or her to review. Ultimately, it is up to the judge to order that the judgment be entered and the warrant issued. For more information on obtaining the warrant in a nonpayment case after the tenant fails to answer, click on Warrants.
After the judge signs the judgment, the clerk will issue the warrant to the marshal. The Marshal may then evict the respondent. For more information, click on Eviction. To learn the procedure for vacating the judgment, click on Vacating Judgments.
如果答辯人作出答辯, 書記會將案件發往一個法庭。 在聆訊日當天, 答辯人有可能未有出庭。 若在日程上的案件被召喚而答辯人沒有出庭時, 原告人可要求法官發出答辯人敗訴的判決。 此判決通常都是金錢和佔據權的判決。 法官或法庭律師會審查文件是否已達法定及程序上的要求。 欲知更多詳情, 請開啟欠租案件的要求。 你亦會被要求提供有關答辯人的從軍狀況。 如果一切文件都正確無誤, 法官便會作出給予判決的指示。 答辯人未有出庭所作的判決一般都會給予五天暫緩簽發驅逐令的時間的, 而且法官可能要求原告人將判決派送給予答辯人。 通常判決令會准許簽發驅逐令的。 多數的原告人都與執達吏聯絡, 向其提供資料及/或判決副本, 由執達吏向書記申請辦理簽發驅逐令的要求。 要知更多詳情, 請點閱驅逐令。 驅逐令一經發出, 執達吏便可將答辯人驅逐。 欲知更多詳情. 請點閱逐離寓所。
要知道撤銷判決的手續, 請點閱撤銷判決。
If both sides appear, the case will be ready to proceed. The vast majority of non-payment cases are settled in conferences which may include the petitioner, the respondent, the attorneys of either party, mediators, court attorneys, and at times even the Judge.
If the case is settled, a stipulation of settlement will be written. For more information, click on Stipulations of Settlement. The stipulation of settlement may provide for the issuance of a judgment and warrant. The stipulation may contain requirements for the petitioner to notify the respondent before the warrant may be issued. The stipulation may require the petitioner to make a motion to the court, either on notice or without notice to the other side, before the warrant can be executed. Whatever, the stipulation requires, the conditions must be complied with before the judgment and/or warrant can be entered or issued.
When the petitioner has a judgment and a warrant, the marshal still cannot evict the tenant until the earliest eviction date set by the court has passed and the marshal has served the tenant with a Notice of Eviction. To learn the procedure for vacating the judgment, click on Vacating Judgments.
如果雙方都有出庭但不能達成和解時, 案件便會被發往審訊法庭由一名房屋法庭法官進行審訊。 若原告人證實了他/好的案情, 法官便會審訊後作出判決的指示。 但若原告人未能證實其案情時, 法官便會將案件撤銷。
法官不 一定會案件審訊的在同一日發出判決的, 這被稱為 “保留判決”。 法官可以將判決書以郵遞方式寄給你。 不過, 要肯定的話, 你可致電或親自前來法院查問是否經已作出判決。 要知道在貴區應前往那裡, 請點閱地點。
判決一般都會容許發出驅逐令的。 大多數的原告人都會與執達吏聯絡, 向其提供資料及/或判決副本, 讓執達吏可向書記處辦理簽發驅逐令的要求。 欲知更多詳情, 請點閱驅逐令。 驅逐令一經發出, 執達吏便可將答辯人予以驅逐。 欲知更多詳情, 請點閱驅離寓所。
要得到關於上訴法官判決的資料, 請點閱上訴。
要取得判決, 原告人必須向法院提供關於答辯人從軍狀況的資料。 你可能需要辦理一份非從軍宣誓書闡述你所依據的資料為何答辯人並非正在軍中服役, 或並非依靠正在從軍人士為生的人。 本宣誓書通常不能超過三十天的期限。 你必須點閱服役調查宣誓書觀看及/或下載一份免費的民事法院表格。 欲知更多詳情, 請點閱非從軍宣誓書就有關題目閱讀民事法院的指引。