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New York StateUnified Court System


A warrant is a document issued by the court based upon a judgment of possession awarded by the court which permits the sheriff or marshal to remove persons from a premises. The warrant tells the sheriff or marshal the earliest date on which an eviction can take place according to the court’s judgment. The warrant also directs the sheriff or marshal to remove all persons who were named in the court case from the premises. For information on obtaining a judgment, click on Judgments.

驅逐令只發給警長或執達吏。 獲得判決獎賞後, 你必須與執達吏聯絡以便執達吏可以正式向法院要求發出驅逐令。 要尋找紐約市的執達吏名單, 請開啟紐約市調查局 (NYC Department of Investigation)。 執達吏會需要關於案件的事項, 包括案件編號, 訴訟雙方的姓名, 樓宇的地址與及一份判決書, 或者, 如判決書是根據答辯人未有作出答辯, 要求登記判決的信件。 你亦需要支付執達吏的費用。 執達吏會將文件呈交法院。

驅逐令書記會審核有關文件, 於一切妥當後, 書記便會發出一份驅逐令給執達吏。 如果文件不全, 書記便會將文件退還給執達吏予以更正。

執達吏取得驅逐令後, 他便會準備進行驅逐行動。 欲知更多有關驅逐行動的資料, 請開啟逐離寓所網頁。