Mental Hygiene Legal Service (MHLS) is responsible for protecting
and advocating the rights of people who reside in facilities
licensed to provide services for mental illness, developmental
disabilities or alcoholism, for people alleged to be in need
of care and treatment in a licensed facility, and for people
who may otherwise become wards of the court because of a mental
incapacity. To serve our clients, MHLS attorneys and information
officers operate out of field offices located throughout the
Fourth Department.
Mission Statement
It is the duty of the Mental Hygiene Legal Service to ensure
the continued constitutional validity, and the overall legality
of the system of admission, retention, and care and treatment
of individuals pursuant to the Mental Hygiene Law. This duty
must be carried out in a fashion that obtains and retains
public confidence in MHLS's involvement in that system, and enforces and
respects the rights of the individuals involved.