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About HPD

Description of Services and Mission Statement

The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) is the largest municipal developer of affordable housing in the nation. Since 1987, HPD has provided over $6.3 billion to support the repair, rehabilitation and new construction of hundreds of thousands of units of housing. Over the next five years, HPD plans to spend $3 billion in continued support of housing preservation and community development activities.

HPD protects the existing housing stock and expands housing options for New Yorkers as it strives to improve the availability, affordability, and quality of housing in New York City. HPD has made a decisive shift away from City ownership of properties and has developed innovative community revitalization initiatives that promote private investment and productive public-private partnerships. HPD works with its governmental, community, non-profit and for-profit partners to strengthen neighborhoods, increase the availability of well-maintained, affordable housing and enable more New Yorkers to become homeowners.

Today, in great part due to the work of HPD, the vacant and boarded-up buildings that were once a blight on many of the City's neighborhoods have been transformed into safe, affordable homes for families. Once-abandoned lots now contain new townhouses, parks and gardens. Communities that were devastated not long ago are now vibrant, as commercial activity has returned and public safety initiatives have encouraged parents to allow their children to play outside. HPD's housing programs have helped to restore and rebuild housing as well as to improve the quality of life in New York City's richly diverse communities.

Mission Statement
Using a variety of preservation, development and enforcement strategies, HPD strives to improve the availability, affordability and quality of housing in New York City. As the nation's largest municipal housing agency, HPD works with private, public and community partners to strengthen neighborhoods and enable more New Yorkers to become homeowners or to rent well-maintained, affordable housing.


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