Opinion 90-04

February 2, 1990

Please Note: This opinion is modified by Opinion 16-29/16-50.  In particular, “on conclusion of the window period, once the candidate’s remaining campaign funds are eligible to be treated as ‘de minimis’ as described [in Opinion 16-29/16-50], such funds may, in the candidate’s discretion and to the extent legally permitted, be donated to the Catalyst Public Service Fellowship Program and/or used to purchase specific books or reference items requested by Unified Court System law librarians, which will then be donated to the Unified Court System, subject to any necessary administrative approvals.”  

Dear Justice :

         The Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics, at its meeting of January 18, 1990, considered your inquiry (90-41, dated January 3, 1990), asking that the Committee reconsider opinion 87-02, concerning the donation of unexpended campaign funds to charitable institutions.

         Please refer to Committee opinions 87-02, 87-16, and 88-83, which discuss the uses of unexpended campaign funds. The Committee, after careful consideration, unanimously decided to adhere to its original determinations set forth in these opinions.


Very truly yours,


Samuel J. Silverman
