Opinion 88-167

January 12, 1989

Citation Note: The Rules were significantly revised and renumbered in 1996. For example, former Section 100.5(a) was replaced by Section 100.4(B).

Topic:          Extra-judicial activities; of radio program discussing Jewish culture and affairs.

Digest:         A judge may participate as co-host of a radio program devoted to a discussion of Jewish culture and affairs.

Rule:            22 NYCRR § 100.5(a)


         A judge inquires whether it would be appropriate for him to participate as a co-host in a radio program discussing matters pertaining to the Jewish community, culture and heritage.

         The extent to which a full-time judge may participate in civic and charitable activities are set forth with specificity in section 100.5 (a) of the Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts as follows:

A judge may write, lecture, teach and speak on non-legal subjects, and engage in the arts, sports and other social and recreational activities, if such avocational activities do not detract from the dignity of the office or interfere with the performance of judicial activities.

         Since the program described concerns cultural and religious matters unrelated to judicial duties, and there is no indication that the program would involve fund-raising, which is prohibited by 22 NYCRR 100.5 (b) (2), there is no reason why the judge should not accept the invitation to appear and participate in this program.