Opinion 22-105
Short-Form Opinion
June 30, 2022
Please Note:
See AO-347 concerning the status of Section 100.4(H)(2).
Question: You ask if, as a full-time judge who was previously an academic, you
may participate in a not-for-profit entity’s overseas trip which had
been postponed due to the pandemic. You have indicated that the
purpose of the trip is primarily educational in nature, as is intended
to “deepen understanding” of a particular region of the world
“within the international academic community.” The entity covers
all costs of the trip, including “airfare, hotels and the
lectures/seminars.” You have stated that the entity does not appear
before your court. Discussion: We have previously advised that a full-time judge may participate in:
1) a trip to Africa, financed by a third party sponsor, to observe
elections; 2) a legal seminar in another country financed by a non-profit group; and 3) a mission to Israel with his/her expenses
reimbursed by a non-profit organization. In doing so, we have noted
that expense reimbursements for full-time judges are limited to the
actual cost of travel, food and lodging reasonably incurred by the
judge. Any payment in excess of such an amount is compensation
that may be subject to the reporting requirements set forth in the
Rules Governing Judicial Conduct (see 22 NYCRR 100.4[D][5][h] and
100.4[H][2]). 1 Accordingly, it is ethically permissible for you to participate in the
trip sponsored by the not-for-profit organization, and may accept
reimbursement for the cost of participating, subject to any
applicable reporting requirements set forth in section 100.4(H) of the
Rules Governing Judicial Conduct. Enclosed: Opinions 08-20; 06-49; 01-82. ___________________________ 1 We decline to comment on any potential reporting obligations under Part 40. The Unified
Court System’s Ethics Commission (Tel. 212-428-2899) is the agency authorized to interpret
Part 40 and advise on reporting requirements thereunder.