Director's Message
Welcome to the first issue of MOSAIC, a newsletter from the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI)! This premier edition will introduce the statewide work of our Office, and lay a foundation upon which we can build a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the diversity within our Unified Court System (UCS) family, and among the public that we serve.
In the art world, a MOSAIC is made up of many different sizes and shapes of pieces of colored stone, glass or ceramic, which are assembled to create a multi-layered, colorful, image or scene. Similarly, the MOSAIC newsletter will include and highlight the different aspects of race, gender, ethnicity, language, age, ability and culture that coexist within the court system, and how those “small pieces” – the differences among us – add variety and enrich our experiences in so many ways.
It is my sincere hope that MOSAIC will be a teaching tool as well as a means for connecting us to one another. Please let us know your ideas for how we can achieve that, as well as your feedback and suggestions for future issues, by emailing: diversity@nycourts.gov

S. Anthony Walters
UCS Office of Diversity and Inclusion