9. NOTE OF ISSUE (Form UD-9):

Field 1: Insert the county where you are bringing the action.
Field 2: Print the Plaintiff's name.
Field 3: Insert the index number that you will receive from the clerk's office in this space. Leave the space for calendar number empty; the clerk's office will fill in that section.
Field 4: Print the Defendant's name.
Field 5: The words "no trial" appear here. You do not need to write anything here.
Field 6: This section must indicate who is placing this matter on the calender. Check the appropriate box. Only one (1) box should be checked.
Field 7: Insert the date that the summons was filed with the County Clerk.
Field 8: Insert the date that the summons was served on your spouse.
Field 9: Because this an uncontested divorce, the term "NOT JOINED" appears. You must indicate whether this case is going forward due to a default (your spouse fails to appear in the action), due to a waiver (your spouse is agreeing to proceed to divorce by completing an Affidavit of Defendant), or due to a stipulation (both parties agree by written document). Check the appropriate box.
Field 10: The divorce is not being contested. You do not need to write anything in this space.

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Field 11: You are asking for an absolute divorce. You do not need to write anything in this space.
Field 12: Check the appropriate box. Fill in the name, address, telephone number and fax number of the attorney for the Plaintiff here. If the Plaintiff does not have an attorney, put the Plaintiff's name, address, telephone number and fax number in this space.
Field 13: Check the appropriate box. Fill in the name, address, telephone number and fax number of the attorney for the Defendant. If the Defendant does not have an attorney, put the Defendant's name, address, telephone number and fax number in this space.