What is LiveHelp?
LiveHelp is a free "chatting" or "instant messaging" program to help you navigate the CourtHelp website and provide legal information and referrals to legal service providers who may be able to help you with your case.
How do I use LiveHelp?
To use LiveHelp, close this window and answer the questions in the chat box. Click on the Start Chatting button. A LiveHelp operator will begin communicating with you. Type your responses back in the window. The chat window will stay open while you continue to use the CourtHelp website.
Who will I chat with?
You chat with staff and volunteers of LawHelpNY. Most are law students trained to help you with the information on the CourtHelp website. They will also be able to help you with information on the LawHelpNY website and provide referrals for free legal help.
How do I ask a question?
If you need help just type your question in the open chat box. LiveHelp can’t see your screen, so you may need to explain which page of the CourtHelp website you are viewing.
What personal information do we ask for?
You don’t need to give us any personal information to use LiveHelp. In fact, it’s better not to provide personal details such as your full name, address, case number or the names of other people involved in the case.
Is there a charge to use LiveHelp?
No. LiveHelp is free.
Click here for the LawHelpNY privacy policy.