On Thursday, April 22, 2021, the Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission, the Cervantes Society, Inc., and the Tribune Society of the Courts of the State of New York co-hosted a virtual panel presentation for court employees entitled So You Want to Go to Law School? The panelists began with a discussion of the law school experiences of Hon. Sharen D. Hudson, Barry Clarke, Esq., and John V. Elmore, Esq.; all attended law school while working full-time for New York State and had successfully navigated the process.
Oliver Colbert, Associate Director of Admissions and Diversity Initiatives, St. Johns University, School of Law; and Jodie Roure, JD, PhD, Director of the John Jay College Rising Scholars of Justice Pipeline Program, and Director at the University of Houston Law Center Pre-law Pipeline Program at John Jay College, shared key information on the law school admissions process, financial aid, balancing work-life and law school, and tips to succeed.
Jodie Roure, JD, PhD President & CEO, Hurricane Maria Assistance & Relief Institutional Alliance, Inc. (H-MARIA) Associate Professor, Project Investigator and Director of the John Jay College Rising Scholars of Justice Pipeline Program, and Director at the University of Houston Law Center Pre-law Pipeline Program at John Jay College