NEWSLETTER fhw logo FALL 2020

Message from the Co-Chairs


Franklin Hall Williams: New York attorney, associate of Thurgood Marshall, civil rights leader, diplomat, organizer of the Peace Corps and its first African-American director, United Nations representative, foundation president, and for us, most pointedly chair of the New York State Judicial Commission on Minorities, the first court-based commission on minorities in the United States. He was a visionary and a trailblazer who devoted his life to the pursuit of civil rights. Read more...


Championing Justice in the Courts - New York Law Journal


We recognize that the perception of injustice and feelings of exclusion among communities of color and members of the LGBTQ community are multi-faceted and must be addressed to ensure trust in the justice system. We are at a point where honest discourse on these issues is sorely needed. Read more...


NYS Judges of Color Statement and Commitment to Equal Treatment


As judges of color who preside over criminal and civil matters within the community, we feel compelled, in light of events that have been and are unfolding before us all across the country, to take a moment to convey our thoughts, as to our responsibility and commitment as jurists. Read more...


New Commission members and bios


The Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission congratulates and welcomes five new Commissioners, who were recently appointed to the Commission by Chief Judge Janet DiFiore. Read more...


Honoring the Memory and Accomplishments of Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg


On Friday, September 25, 2020, the Judges of the Eighth Judicial District gathered outside of Old County Hall in Downtown Buffalo to honor the memory and accomplishments of the Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, who recently passed away. Read more...


Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission Hosts A Program on the Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Our Courts


The Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission for the New York State Courts held a virtual program on Thursday, September 24, 2020, entitled “The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Our Courts.” Read more...


Judicial Mentor Program


The Franklin H. Williams Judicial Mentor Program Committee recently held a workshop for judges who have volunteered to be mentors with attorneys aspiring to the bench.  The Committee will pair judges and mentees with the hope that this will provide a pipeline for judicial diversity throughout New York State. Read more...


Promoting Diversity in the Courts Seminar


The Commission Co-Chairs, Appellate Division Justices Troy K. Webber (First Department) and Shirley Troutman (Fourth Department), participated in a Continuing Legal Education program hosted by the Diversity Committee of the Rockland County Bar Association, where they discussed the Commission and its purpose and shared insights about their personal journeys to the bench. Read more...


Hate is a Virus Too Youth Initiative Forum


A virtual seminar entitled, “Hate is a Virus Too”, was sponsored by the Commission in partnership with the Council For Unity, which addressed hate crimes and resources and solutions to address this issue. Read more...


Retirement of Joyce Y. Hartsfield


The Commission’s long-time dedicated Executive Director, Joyce Y. Hartsfield, retired after 27 years of service to the Commission and we reflect on her monumental career. Read more...


Appointment of New Executive Director


The Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission introduces its new Executive Director, Mary Lynn Nicolas-Brewster, who will continue moving the mission of the Commission forward. Read more...


Retirement of Hon. Doris Ling-Cohan


After 25 years of service on the bench, Hon. Doris Ling-Cohan, a long-time dedicated member of the Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission, has retired as Justice of the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Term, First Department. Read more...


Congratulations to Hon. George B. Daniels for Twenty Years of Service


The Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission congratulates its Commissioner, United States District Judge George B. Daniels, on twenty years of service on the Federal bench. Read more...


Native American Heritage Month Celebration


In recognition of November being designated as Native American Heritage Month, the Eighth Judicial District held its first annual celebratory event. Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission member, Supreme Court Justice Mark A. Montour opened the event with the traditional thanksgiving address. Read more...


Posthumous Admission Ceremony
for William Herbert Johnson


Recently, the Appellate Division, Fourth Department, held a posthumous admission ceremony for William Herbert Johnson, the first African American graduate of Syracuse Law School in 1903, to the New York State bar and who had been denied bar admission because of his race. Read more...


Film Debut Celebrating the Life and Contributions of Franklin H. Williams


Last year, a film honoring the life and contributions of Franklin H. Williams debuted in select locations throughout New York State. Read more...


OCA Celebrates Black History Month


The Office of Court Administration celebrated Black History Month with a discussion with the Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission Co-Chairs. Read more...


Second Department Hosts Kings County
Black History Month Celebration


The Appellate Division, Second Department held a Black History Month Celebration at which former NYC Corporation Counsel Zachary W. Carter received the Hon. William C. Thompson Sr. Award. Read more...


New York City Civil Court Celebrates
Black History Month


The New York City Civil Court hosted the Kings County Courts’ Black History Month Children’s Program, at which more than more than 40 children participated. Read more...


Seventh Judicial District Celebrates
Black History Month


The Seventh Judicial District celebrated Black History Month focusing on the ongoing struggle for voting rights for African Americans throughout American history that continues into the 21st century. Read more...


Ninth Judicial District Black History Month Celebration


The Ninth Judicial District celebrated Black History Month with a theme of “African Americans and the Vote,” which honored Dean Horace Anderson, the first African-American dean of Pace University Elizabeth Haub School of Law.  Read more...


Nassau County Courts Celebrate
Black History Month


The Office of Court Administration celebrated Black History Month with a discussion with the Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission Co-Chairs. Read more...


Black History Month Celebration at
Queens Supreme Court


The Queens Supreme Court joined a local elementary school to celebrate Black History Month program. Court personnel shared their careers and experiences with the students. Read more...


Press Conference to Promote
Court Officer Exam


Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission member Hon. Doris Ling-Cohan organized a press conference to publicize the upcoming court officer examination. Read more...


Council For Unity Youth Program –
The Role of the Courts


The Office of Court Administration celebrated Black History Month with a discussion with the Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission Co-Chairs. Read more...


Annual Celebration of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Honorable Vanessa Bogan of Syracuse City Court, a member of the Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission, spoke at an annual celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr., and highlighted employment opportunities in the Court system, including the upcoming court officer examination. Read more...


Swearing-In Ceremony for Hon. Lenora
Foote-Beavers, Buffalo City Court Judge


The Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission shares pictures from the induction ceremony for Commission member Hon. Lenora Foote-Beavers who was recently elected to the bench. Read more...


Swearing-In Ceremony for Hon. Karen Bailey Turner, Monroe County Judge


Hon. Karen Bailey Turner was sworn in as a Monroe County Court Judge, the first African American woman jurist in that Court. Read more...


Retirement Celebration for
Barry Clarke, Esq., OCA Chief of Operations.


Friends and colleagues celebrated the career of Barry Clarke, Esq. upon his retirement after years of service to the New York State Courts. Read more...


Meeting with New York Law Journal


Members of the Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission met with the New York Law Journal to discuss the portrayal of attorneys and judges of color in Journal articles. Read more...


Newly Elected Judges of Color


The Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission congratulates newly-elected judges of color. Read more...


On the Move


The Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission celebrates the achievements and leadership of judges of color throughout New York State. Read more...


Non-Judicial Promotions


The Commission celebrates some of the recent promotions of persons of color in the court. Read more...


Coming Soon…


Franklin H. Williams Judicial Commission 30th Year Anniversary Celebration. Read more...


Comission Members


Hon. Shirley Troutman, Co-Chair
Hon. Troy K. Webber, Co-Chair
Hon. Shahabuddeen (Shah) A. Ally
Hon. Vanessa Bogan
Dr. Betty L. Campbell
Hon. George B. Daniels
Hon. Kathie Davidson
L. Austin D’Souza, Esq.
Hon. Lenora B. Foote, Esq.
Thomas J. Garry, Esq.
Hon. Craig D. Hannah
Nadine C. Johnson, Esq.
Professor Paula C. Johnson, Esq.
Lauren A. Jones, Esq.
Hon. Barbara R. Kapnick
Paul Kenny, Esq.
Porter L. Kirkwood, Esq.
Hon. yvonne lewis

Francis M. Letro, Esq.
Hon. Doris Ling-Cohan
Hon. Michael Carlos López
Major Clemont Mack
Hon. Stephen T. Miller
Hon. Mark A. Montour
Hon. Joanne D. Quiñones
Hon. Richard Rivera
Sandra Rivera, Esq.
Hon. Llinét M. Rosado
Hon. Robert E. Torres
Adrienne Williams, Esq.
Hon. Richard B. Lowe III, Chair Emeritus
Hon. Rose H. Sconiers, Chair Emeritus
Hon. Lewis L. Douglass, Chair Emeritus
Mary Lynn Nicolas-Brewster, Executive Director
Karlene Dennis, Associate Counsel