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New York State Unified Court System
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Newsletter • October 2021 • Issue 1

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Meet the E.R.G.’s!

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) – also known as business networks, fraternal or affinity organizations – are groups of employees who join together in their workplace, based on a common characteristic like ethnicity, gender, age, religious affiliation, etc. ERGs provide support for their members while working to enhance career development and professional networking in the workplace.

While an ERG may be rooted in a common trait(s), the groups are open to all, and they generally align with the mission, goals, and objectives of the employer – often with a greater focus on diversity and inclusion. ERGs are led by employees, in an effort to foster a supportive environment and to enhance policies around diversity and inclusion. They can have many benefits, such as developing community partnerships, encouraging professional development, and cultivating opportunities for mentoring and leadership.

Joining an ERG can be a great way to get to know co-workers, particularly those who work in other courts or office locations, and ERGs provide an opportunity to learn about different positions and functions. The Office of Diversity and Inclusion works closely with many of these groups, and we maintain a list of UCS-ERGs on the ODI website. Reach out to ODI if you would like more information. We are also planning to feature the work of these UCS-affiliated ERGs in future issues of MOSAIC. A sampling of a few of these groups appears below.

  ERG Photo

NYS Courts Asian Jade Society Board members doing community outreach in Flushing, NY.

  ERG Photo

The Latino Court Officers Society (LCOS) virtual-collage provided a message of hope and unity during difficult times of the past year.

  ERG Photo

Members of the Tribune Society marching in the 48th Annual African-American Day Parade.


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